Zelensky to visit Poland
Author: Mo Nasser
Mo Nasser is a renowned Middle East expert and journalist who has covered the region for many years. He is known for his in-depth analysis and reporting on political, economic, and social issues in the Middle East. Mo has written for various international publications, including The New York Times, The Guardian, and Al Jazeera, among others.
Southeast Asian nations unite to address rice supply shortages and food issues
Southeast Asian countries forge deal to combat rice shortage.
Dengue fever set to surge in Southern United States, Southern Europe, and new parts of Africa
Global dengue rates have surged eightfold since 2000 largely driven by climate change.
Hong Kong loses top economic freedom spot to Singapore
Singapore is now the world’s freest economy as HK slids.
Turkey’s second citizenship program
A close look at advantages and considerations
China’s unstoppable march towards global economic leadership
New dawn for the Red Dragon.
Vietnam’s winning formula on what makes it top choice for investors
An economist’s view of how Vietnam manages to outpace other countries in Asia.