After Brexit and the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the United Kingdom must necessarily strengthen and improve its relations within the Commonwealth and with all English-speaking countries.
Only by maintaining the union of the currently adhering countries, the entire Commonwealth can play a role in the international arena and counterbalance the powers from East to West.
A well-structured and consolidated Customs and Free Trade Union seems to be the only real alternative to the simple Brexit for the United Kingdom and a valid support for international balances.
Looking ahead
Anyone who is still resentful of the colonial legacy of the old British empire should look ahead and treasure what is left of the good approach and modus operandi. Just think of the “Common Law” and how certain former British colonies are governed compared to other former colonies that have fallen into the abyss.

French and Spanish colonialism left much more painful aftermaths and the consequences of the state of the former colonies (including Latin America) are there for all to see.
If Australia, India and Canada decide to go their own way, there would in fact be no balance among the major international players and, lacking valid checks and balances, China would take over the world market.
Creating critical mass
English-speaking countries could really make the difference if only they would abandon their independence goals and create a critical mass instead of playing into the hands of those who benefit from this division (Dividi et impera, an old maxim of the Romans which explains well which is the strategy of those who want all divided).
What language and culture unite is incredibly solid and constitutes a valid basis to develop and structure legal systems, communities of people and economic interests.
Much needed boost?
The role of King Charles III symbolically at the head of an “organization” of States and communities independent of each other, but united by the “same language” (and this is no small matter) and shared interests, can only benefit all the countries of the Commonwealth and have a media boost that would favor everyone in terms of image, economic growth and attractiveness.
No one would ever dream of returning to the old obsolete and buried imperialism. The symbolic figure of King Charles III at the head of an “organization” does not harm the democracy of the member countries in the slightest.
Rituals, traditions and millennial customs have made the history of all populations and should not be thrown away in the name of modernity and progress, but should be preserved by taking care to maintain the right balance among past, present and future.
Economic returns
Finally, let’s not forget that all this also generates an enormous economic return as demonstrated in recent days by the celebrations in England followed by the whole world with great interest. History teaches and should never be forgotten. This is definitely more powerful and less painful than any weapon or force action.
Impact on Europe
Old Europe did not understand all this (or didn’t want to understand) and, instead of strengthening first and consolidating itself when it was a Union of 12-15 States (becoming a federation of European States), it preferred to give in to the pressures of some parts on the enlargement of the European Union immediately after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, substantially weakening its role as a “third pole” and thus eliminating the conditions for international negotiating power among USA, Russia, China and Middle East.
Misalignment in the European Union
At the moment, the European Union is just a Babel with 21 languages spoken with national policies that are still very different and poorly coordinated, which is intent on reconciling the various internal diversities without any power of real influence at the international level as a “unique subject”.
Germany, France and the other Member States go ahead, in no particular order, and autonomously try to gain advantageous positions to the detriment of their own allies.